Adrian Gustavo Zarrilli

Adrian Gustavo Zarrilli

Professor and BA in History from the National University of La Plata. D. in History from the same institution. Postdoctoral studies at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina; Full Professor at the National University of Quilmes and at the National University of La Plata. In 2012-2016 President of the Latin American and Caribbean Society for Environmental History (SOLCHA). Between 2016-2021 Director of the Center for the Study of Rural Argentina UNQ. Currently: Director UNQ Research Program "Unequal Argentina. Environment, production and quality of life in rural areas (1960-2019)".

Researcher in topics related to the environment and society, from a historical and current perspective. Publications: 15 books, 34 book chapters and more than a hundred academic articles. Line of research: Latin American environmental history. In particular, the relationship between society and nature, focusing on issues related to rural development and sustainability, deforestation and the expansion of the agricultural frontier, as well as environmental conflicts in the Gran Chaco region of Argentina.

Visiting professor at the universities of Salamanca, Almeria, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain); Colima and Sonora (Mexico); Federal Fluminense, Grande Dourados, Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Pau (France), and City of Knowledge (Panama). Visiting Researcher at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, in Munich Germany (2017) and Visiting Research at Princeton University (2020 and 2023).

Universidad de Quilmes


The project analyzes specific cases of forest evolution that allow a better understanding of the functioning of the socio-ecological transition, its causes and effects in different regions of the Gran Chaco. The specific issues can be related to changes in the area occupied by forests (deforestation or reforestation processes) or to changes in their composition.


Zarrilli, Adrián y Lopez Gañan, Rocio (2018) La criminalización de las resistencias como última estrategia desarrollista de despojo en América Latina. Buenos Aires CICCUS. 

Zarrilli. Adrian (2022) “Transformaciones territoriales, desarrollo rural y dinámicas socioambientales en la Provincia del Chaco (1980-2020)”. En Vanderlei Vazelesk Ribeiro O rural em América Latina. Rio de Janeiro, Mauad Editora.

Girbal Noemí; Zarrilli, Adrián. (2016) Mas allá de la pampa. Agro, territorio y poder en el nordeste argentino (1910-1960). Buenos Aires, Ed. Teseo, 

Zarrilli Adrián (2016). “Ambiente, producción y mercado. El impacto transformador en una economía periférica, el Gran Chaco Argentino en el siglo XX”. AREAS Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales, 35/2016 Historia ambiental en Europa y América Latina: miradas cruzadas. Murcia.

Zarrilli Adrian (2018) “Cuenca del Plata: ríos, planicies y sociedades en el Cono Sur”. En revista de Historia regional. Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Vol 23 N°1 , Brasil.

Zarrilli Adrián (2020).  “Tierra y veneno. La expansión de la frontera agropecuaria en el Gran Chaco Argentino y sus conflictos socio-ambientales (1990-2017)”. Paz y  Conflicto, Volumen: 13, N°1, 2020, Universidad de Granada

Zarrilli, A.G Lagomarsino, C. y Peppino, J. (2020). Lo ambiental como eje transversal en la cuestión rural. Cuadernos del CEAR, N° 3. Diciembre, 2020, CEAR-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Zarrilli, Adrián Gustavo, de Oliveira, Ana Marcela França. (2022) The Expansion of the Railway and Environmental Changes: The Modern Configuration of the Argentine Pampas, c. 1870-1930. Global Environment, The White Horse Press, Volume 15, Number 2, June 2022, pp. 273-297(25)