Olaf Kaltmeier is professor of Ibero-American history at Bielefeld University and director of CALAS - Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, founding director of CIAS - Center for InterAmerican Studies at Bielefeld University, and spokesman for the Volkswagen Foundation's "Turning Land into Capital" project. He holds a doctorate in sociology and humanities from the University of Münster. His research interests focus on social movements, indigeneity, state formation, social and cultural inequalities, environmental history in the Southern Cone and the Andes.
Olaf Kaltmeier
Kaltmeier, O. y Ávila Romero, L. (2023). Land and Freedom: Anarchists and Indians in the Crossfire of Colonial Expansion and Social Revolution in Latin America from 1848 to 1917. In: Berger, S., Weinhauer, K. (Eds) Rethinking Revolutions from 1905 to 1934. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04465-6_5: 109-135.
Kaltmeier, O. (2018): Refeudalización. Desigualdad, economía y cultura política en América Latina en el temprano siglo XXI. Guadalajara, Bielefeld, San José, Quito, Buenos Aires: 2018 (German translation: Refeudalisierung und Rechtsruck. Soziale Ungleichheit und politische Kultur in Lateinamerika. Bielefeld University Press: Bielefeld 2020, also translated into Portuguese)
Kaltmeier, O. (2021). Seven Theses on the Refeudalization of Latin America. In K. Silva-Torres, C. Rozo-Higuera, & D. Leon (Eds.), Routledge studies in the history of the Americas: Vol. 24. Social and Political Transitions During the Left Turn in Latin America New York: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003161332-17
Kaltmeier, O. (2016). Konjunkturen der (De-)Kolonialisierung. Indigene Gemeinschaften, Hacienda und Staat in den ecuadorianischen Anden von der Kolonialzeit bis heute. Bielefeld: transcript. (Spanish Translation: Resistencia indígena y formación del Estado. Saquisilí del siglo XVI al XXI. Corporación Editora Nacional: Quito 2021).
Kaltmeier, O. (2021). National Parks from North to South. An Entangled History of Conservation and Colonization in Argentina. WVT/UNO: Trier, New Orleans. 2021 (German Translation: Nationalparks von Nord bis Süd. Eine transnationale Verflechtungsgeschichte von Naturschutz und Kolonialisierung in Argentinien. Kipu: Bielefeld 2020; Spanish Translation: (2022). Parques nacionales argentinos. Una historia de conservación y colonización de la naturaleza. Buenos Aires: UNSAM Edita. )
Kaltmeier O, Breuer M. (2020)- Social Inequality. In: Kaltmeier O, Tittor A, Hawkins D, Rohland E (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas. London / New York: Routledge, 205-220.