Andrés Jiménez Corrales
Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF
Rio de Janeiro

Agribusiness territories for sustainability in Central America: management, nature valorization and socio-ecological changes

Production of enclaves: sustainability, planetary urbanization and landscapes of dispossession in Central America 1980-2023. This doctoral project aims to analyze the contemporary forms of production of agribusiness territories through the use of the idea of sustainability in Central America, in order to understand the forms of managerial management, valorization of nature and socio-ecological changes experienced in its implementation process. The formation of public-private power constellations (companies-State-international organizations) for the development of these businesses; 2. The creation of forms of interpretation of nature, environmental problems, and sustainable products by the business sector and the State to justify, reproduce and expand forms of territorial occupation; and 3. The production of territorial inequalities and environmental injustices by this mode of production based on extractive and extensive logics. The doctoral study is structured around the following research questions: How is the idea of sustainability used within the production of agribusiness territories as a means for the (re)production of wealth in Central America? And in what ways does its use create and articulate a managerial management, a valorization of nature and socio-ecological changes that enable its reproduction in space-time?