Fernando Darío Pintos

Fernando Darío Pintos

Fernando Darío Pintos is a Professor of History and a PhD student in Territorial Studies at the UNQ. He is currently a fellow of the Centro de Estudios de la Argentina Rural (CEAR) and Professor of History at EEST N°2 of Quilmes. In 2023 he was awarded a scholarship by the EVC-CIN (Scholarships to Encourage Scientific Vocations).

Universidad de Quilmes


This project investigates the use of water resources in the Colorado River Basin in the period 1960-2020 and the socio-environmental deterioration that this has entailed. To this end, it proposes a historical-environmental study of the agro-export and extractivist models of the second half of the 19th and 20th centuries in the basin.


Pintos, F. (2023). Nuevas ruralidades y multifuncionalidad en la agricultura. Una perspectiva histórica de Latinoamérica (1980-2020). Estudios Rurales, 13(28). https://doi.org/10.48160/22504001er28.486